Budget Visualization

Project Info

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Commenting: Initial status for project, it's an idea people are commenting on

Miami-Dade County mayor, Carlos Gimenez, will be making a Twitter appearance Wednesday to answer questions about his new budget proposal. These proposals will be voted on later in the year. Unfortunately, his proposals are bound (figuratively) in very large PDF files, which are intimidating to the average — and busy — Miami citizen.

This project aims to portray this data in an easily readable format. Whether or not we succeed, it will all be over by Wednesday. No pressure.

Project Activity

Update #1

Hey, so the project is UP! Here's what we got.

  1. Welcome screen.

  2. Interactive pie charts that break down the operational/capital/total budget spending proposals.

  3. Explanations of how funding is used in each endeavor (eg. public safety, transportation, etc)

Future endeavors for the project will be labeled as issues on the Github page.

Posted on by Danny Sepler