Project Info
- Stage
- Testing: Something has been built and some people are using it
Project Activity
Update #7
Here is the running code:
Posted on by Miguel Herrnsdorf
Update #6
We have successfully sent coordinates received from the GPS using GET from the GPRS to a server every 5 seconds. Now we should start building a container and a way to power up the unit for long periods.
Posted on by Miguel Herrnsdorf
Update #5
Ardunio has arrived! We've successfully connected our GPS module and received data.
Posted on by Matt last
Update #4
GSM board wiring to Arduino. Download Arduino-Adafruit library.
Posted on by Miguel Herrnsdorf
Update #3
Created Pivotal Project (Agile PM) to track Server Side implementation:
Created git repo for new server side impl.
Posted on by Syed Abbas
Update #2
Two simple endpoints were created to test that the devices can send & receive data. To test it use the following cURL command
curl --data "lat=10.24059&lng=-80.240586"
This should eventually be replaced by the API being built by Jonathan & Syed
For details on the end points, see
Posted on by Adrian Cardenas
Update #1
So far we are still gathering the componentes for the project. -Arduino board (we will borrow this since a couple of people have it) -GSM shield (we bought it already) -GPS shield (already arrived) -Battery (we bought it already) -Antena (we bought it already)
We need somebody to help with the API
Posted on by Miguel Herrnsdorf