Project Info
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- Commenting: Initial status for project, it's an idea people are commenting on
Since we were given a subset of raw permitting data from Miami-Dade County, build a RESTful API interface out of this. The Permits API is an open source module written with Apigility and Zend Framework 2. The API output is formatted in JSON.
Project Activity
Update #4
I've truncated the table & re-did the imports to make sure there were no duplicates from testing.
It still needs to be cleaned up & gone through. So if anyone needs remote access to the DB, please let me know.
Posted on by Adrian Cardenas
Update #3
Was able to import the data into the database. Will need to truncate & run it again to remove duplicates from tests.
Posted on by Adrian Cardenas
Update #2
Diane Levine created some scripts to import the text files into a MySQL database as an alternative to Socrata.
At hack night a couple of weeks ago, Daniel Garcia volunteered to run the scripts on the server & import the data.
I've followed up with Danny over email to check on his progress & have him register on here.
Posted on by Adrian Cardenas
Update #1
This API is created off of raw data that we received from Miami Dade County.
I was able to upload the permitting data to the Code for Miami Data Portal on Socrata which should allow an API by default, AND tie the property address to a latitude/longitude (click on the map view icon). Documentation to the RESTful API is now available.
I was able to update all datasets to the data Github repo with a new commit and push to master.
Posted on by Ernie Hsiung